All orders has to be made 2 days in advance. Delivery and self-collection will be between 1-6pm.

PM box

PM box

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The perfect afternoon (PM) box.


1x Plain croissant with french butter and housemate raspberry jam 原味可頌 +法國牛油和自製覆盆莓果醬

1x Almond Croissant 杏仁可頌

1x Cream cheese Bagel 奶酪貝果

1x Spring onion 'amann pancake' 台法綜合 蔥油‘餅’


beforeShowDay: function(date) { var array = ["01-18-2022", "04-09-2022", "04-10-2022"]; var string = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('mm-dd-yy', date); return [array.indexOf(string) == -1]; },